How do you look after your dog's coat?

Grooming a dog's coat is one of the key elements of looking after our pet's health and wellbeing. Not only does it affect the dog's appearance, but also its skin health and overall condition. So how do you look after your dog's coat to keep it healthy, shiny and problem-free?

Why is grooming your dog's coat important?

Grooming your dog's coat is about more than aesthetics. The coat has a protective function, regulating the dog's body temperature and protecting the skin from damage. Regular grooming also helps to detect health problems such as parasites or skin infections. A healthy coat is a sign of a healthy dog, so it is worth giving it the attention it deserves.

Regular brushing

One of the basic grooming procedures is regular brushing of the coat. Brushing helps to remove dead hair, prevents the formation of knots and stimulates blood circulation in the skin.

How do you choose the right brush?

Choosing the right brush depends on our dog's coat type. Short-haired dogs require different tools to those with long, dense hair. Rubber brushes or massage gloves are best for short hair, while long-haired dogs need brushes with longer, metal teeth that effectively detangle the hair.

Bathing and shampoo use

Kąpiel to kolejny ważny element pielęgnacji sierści psa. Należy jednak pamiętać, że częstotliwość kąpieli powinna być dostosowana do potrzeb naszego pupila.

Jak często kąpać psa?

Bathing too often can lead to dry skin and the removal of natural protective oils. Usually dogs are bathed every 4-6 weeks, but some breeds may require more frequent or less frequent baths. It is also important to use suitable shampoos designed specifically for dogs, which are gentler on their skin than human shampoos.

Zdrowa dieta jako klucz do pięknej sierści

Dbanie o sierść psa to nie tylko kwestia estetyki, ale przede wszystkim zdrowia naszego pupila. Regularne szczotkowanie, odpowiednia dieta, kąpiele oraz monitorowanie stanu skóry i sierści to kluczowe elementy, które pomogą nam utrzymać psa w doskonałej kondycji. Pamiętajmy, że każdy pies jest inny i wymaga indywidualnego podejścia do pielęgnacji.

Most common dog hair problems

Even with proper grooming, problems can arise with a dog's coat. Understanding and responding quickly to these problems is key to keeping our pet healthy.

Loss of coat

Losing the coat is a natural process, but excessive hair loss can be a signal of health problems. It can be caused by stress, nutritional deficiencies or skin diseases.

Dandruff in dogs

Dandruff is a symptom of dry skin that can be the result of allergies, poor diet or improper care. Regular brushing and proper bathing can help to control dandruff.


Choosing the right dog for a family is a decision that requires consideration of many factors, such as the age of the children, the family's activity level and the size of the home. Dogs such as the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, French Bulldog and German Shepherd are excellent options for families, each of these breeds has its own unique characteristics and needs. The key is to choose a dog that best suits the lifestyle and expectations of the whole family.

Frequently asked questions:

1. What are the best brushes for my dog's coat?

The best brush depends on your dog's coat type. For short-haired dogs, rubber brushes or massage mitts are ideal, while long-haired dogs require brushes with longer, metal teeth that effectively detangle hair....

2. Can I use human shampoo for my dog?

No, human shampoos are not suitable for dogs as they can irritate their skin and disrupt their natural pH. Always use shampoos specifically designed for dogs.
